Pink polka dot baby

Monday, December 8, 2008

Our little bear is now a spotted little bear. Thanks to a reaction to his antibiotic (we think), our little bear is covered in pink polka dots. I think the technical term is urticaria or hives, but who cares about technical terms when your baby is covered in spots!

Fortunately he is not suffering a fever or any other symptoms, so we are going to ride this out and hope it clears up in a couple of days (per our pediatrician's recommendation).


Spots! And more spots!

Even spots on the cheeks!

But when you're spotted, off go the clothes!

And who wouldn't rather be naked?


Alyssa said...

He is even cute with all those spots! I love him!

Nancy said...


Thanks for stopping by our blog! Yes, we have four boys and we are due in July with Baby #5 (won't find out until February if we are adding boy #5 or our first girl!). Your little boy is too cute - even with spots! Our 3rd had an allergic reaction to medication also...thankfully the rash cleared up in a couple of days.


applesofgold said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

You know what? I am a third time mom, and the one thing that I have learned is that SPOTS HAPPEN! and they always happen right around picture taking time, or right before grandma and grandpa come to visit. Without fail. It could be a reaction to anything, really. Your baby is still beautiful!

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

Ohh..poor little guy. Hopefully he is feeling a little better. That happened to us a couple of times until we discovered the right medications....

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are doing better!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are doing better!