After celebrating Christmas as a family, we headed to my parents' house to celebrate Christmas with them.
As you might imagine, the afternoon was all about Henry.
He received a proper spoiling, and we are extremely grateful to my parents and sister who loved on him all day long.
Whatcha lookin' at? These are mine (and so are the hot Santa pajamas - don't hate). So what if the box is bigger than I am, I'm gonna open it! What's all the fuss about? Opening presents is a piece of cake. Hey, is this an eco-friendly toy car? Alright! My mom's gonna love this. Not only good for the Earth, but good for the teeth. I can't help it. I like to eat things. Now, Opa, if you would have just read the directions the first time, this thing would be put together by now. That's what I'm talkin' 'bout. Outta my way! Check ya later, dude.
I like to eat things too Henry! hugs and kisses
where you come from!
Although simply reading your these things, but I still can not help but praise from the heart, a good blog!
See you in these things, I think, I started feeling good!
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