Christmas with the Hoopers

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Our original Christmas Day plan was to travel to Matt's hometown after spending the evening at the Noskers. But because Matt was still sick, we postponed our trip until the 26th.
In addition to celebrating Christmas with Matt's family, we were also celebrating Matt's sister's union to her now-husband! On the evening of the 26th we attended the rehearsal and dinner, and on the 27th we celebrated Christmas and later attended the most beautiful winter wedding. More pictures from that coming soon!
Here are a few pics from our Christmas celebration with the Hoopers.

Did someone say more presents?

Mom, I don't need your help, I know what I'm doing.

Another Christmas? I really was good this year!

How does this work, hmmm, let me see.

Grandma & Grandpa, oh-no-you-didn't! This sled is AWESOME!

Bring on the snow!

Giddy-up, Rudolph!

And did I mention, "Happy New Year!" and "Happy 9-month Birthday to Me!"


Anonymous said...

WOW! That sled is AMAZING!!!!! How fun :) Love you Henry and Happy Birthday!

Alyssa said...

I can't get enough of that little bear! I could just eat him up!
PS. Perhaps I should schedule a trip up there to pull little bear around in that sled! Seems like a good idea to me!

Monica said...

Wow, awesome sled!!! Like I told you before that kid is precious!!! I miss you!

nhsphoto said...

ahh... the ball popper toy. we had that! everyone loves that toy. i swear i've seen more adults mess with that thing than kids. so fun. cute pics!

Anonymous said...

where you come from!

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