Those were the days.

Friday, January 9, 2009

I recently spent some time organizing my iPhoto, and it was so neat to go through the last couple of years in pictures. 

This particular picture struck me for a few reasons:
  1. I was pregnant thus often napping. Almost daily, I would come home from work, throw on my lounge wear, and sleep the rest of the afternoon away. This pregnancy is SO different. There isn't a moment in my day that I don't wish I was napping, but life with a 9-month old means that naps are few and FAR between.
  2. Call us crazy, but shortly after finding out we were pregnant, we decided to get a puppy. I adore Jaeger, but there are days when I wonder, "what we were thinking?!" Those first few months, rearing a puppy and growing my way through a pregnancy, were rough, but I'd do it all over again in a second.
  3. Snuggling with a little one that soft and itty-bitty is such a treat. And I am so blessed that in a few months, I'll have another itty-bitty, soft-skinned baby to snuggle with. I can't wait.


Anonymous said...

napping is great fun!

Organize with Sandy said...

So I want to know now that you are pregnant again are you going to get another puppy? LOL
By the way.....I gave you another award!! Go to my site to pick it up!!