We decided to call the squad because Ali's pain was so intense, and within minutes Ali was in the ER. Several x-rays later, Ali learned that she fractured two bones (and later learned that she tore a ligament). Yesterday the orthopedic surgeon determined that Ali will need surgery - no question about it. And that brings us to today. At 10:30am, Ali will check into hospital for the addition of some serious metal to her ankle - three screws and a plate, to be exact. She will not be able to put any weight on her left foot for at least six weeks (yippee for crutches and a walker!), and there is a chance that she will need physical therapy.
Because Ali's parents have a first-floor master, we have moved into Ali's parents house. So now Ali's parents are hosting Morgan and her dog, and us: Ali, Matt, Henry and Jaeger! Additionally, Ali is requiring help everyday, so Ali's family and Matt's family have come to the rescue. Nearly everyday someone is making a sacrifice so that Ali and Henry can be cared for. We are truly blessed.
Say a prayer for us - these next couple of months are going to be quite interesting. But what doesn't kill us can only make us stronger, and for that we are thankful.
Praying for surgery today!
Sending love and prayers your way.
Oh no. Ava sends you lots of HUGS and well wishes for a speedy painless recovery. xoxo
I am so sorry to hear this! I check on your website occasionally (I'm Curt's sister, Abby)...and I did the same thing this spring. I actually just completed physical therapy (accident on 4/5/08) about a month ago.
We have 2 little girls (4 and 1 in May)- and I too, had to tuck away my pride and let people help me EVERY day for many weeks...
I hope you have a speedy, painless recovery!!!
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