Canoeing, Buckeyes, Pears & Politics

Saturday, August 30, 2008

What do these four things have in common? Henry! 
Today Henry had a BUSY day. We started the day at Griggs Reservoir (Scioto River). Several years ago, Matt and his buddy, Kurt, purchased a canoe for hunting purposes. It's currently in Matt's possession, so we took it out for a row (actually, Matt did all the rowing). It was a gorgeous day, and Henry seemed to enjoy being on the water. Check out his stylish lifejacket. We weren't thrilled about the colors, but the marine store had a limited selection. 
And speaking of colors, after canoeing, we rooted on the Scarlet & Grey as today was their season opener. They dominated the Horseshoe, and although we didn't make it to the game, we enjoyed watching the game at home, thanks to Time Warner's recent deal with The Big Ten Network!  
While we watched the Buckeyes, Henry chowed down on his usual, pears. Our little man loves to eat. 
Our evening ended on a political note. Obama & Biden made a stop in Columbus today - as a matter of fact, they stopped in Dublin at Dublin Coffman H.S. Although Matt and Ali don't completely agree politically, we decided to attend the rally considering we live only a mile away from the high school. After standing in line for well over an hour, we made it into the stadium. By that time it was standing room only, but we both agreed that it was worth it. Of course Henry didn't know what was going on, but we look forward to one day telling him about all the fun and crazy things we dragged him to while he was just a baby.


Anonymous said...

Busy, busy, henry. Henry was just a part of History!

Monica said...

Wow you all did have a busy day! ;) Go McCain...haha! I personally don't care for either of them, but I am a good ole' southern I guess you know who my vote is going for! ;) Don't judge me, just love me! ha