She's Back!

Monday, February 9, 2009

And by she, I mean MoMo and me! 

Morgan has many amazing stories from her time in Cambodia, and it's safe to say that she would love to go back. I thank God for giving her that incredible opportunity, and I thank Him for bringing her home healthy and safe.

And my weekend in Nashville was wonderful. I was so ready to get back home, but the time away was lovely.

Most importantly, Henry had a great weekend with Grandma & Grandpa (they took care of him on Friday), Daddy (although he's fighting an ugly cold), MoMo (Henry greeted her at the airport on Saturday), and Oma & Opa (they gave Matt some relief so that he could try and get healthy). I'm so thankful to my wonderful family for lovin' on my baby while I was away.

It's good to be home.


Anonymous said...

so glad we are all home together!