Playful baby and lazy pup

Sunday, July 20, 2008

As he approaches four months old, Henry has become extremely vocal and playful. He is constantly making noises, and he is starting to interact more with people and toys. Most toys don't stand much of a chance because he wants to put them straight into his mouth. We suspect that he is teething because he is exhibiting many of the signs: constant gumming, endless drooling and increased fussing. Additionally, he might be going through a growth spurt as his nap and feeding schedules are changing. Fortunately his palate is broadening; he enjoys breast milk, formula, mashed bananas, and next week we will try pears.
As for Jaeger, he continues to spend the bulk of his days lounging around the house. We caught him napping next to the back door snuggled underneath the drape. He wasn't amused when we took his picture.

Yo, I gots to bounce.


Leave me alone.

You're humiliating me.


Anonymous said...

cute pics!