Henry - one month old and counting!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

It is May 1st, and that means that Henry is one-month-old. It has been a joyous month, and Henry has kept us very busy. In addition to visiting Daddy at work, Oma at school, Aunt Mo at the Spa and Opa in Wooster, Henry has made two trips to Grandma and Grandpa's farm. Additionally, Henry and Mommy have spent the month shopping, visiting friends and family, dining out, taking walks and going to the zoo. So fun!
Henry has also been busy growing up. On Tuesday (April 29th), Henry weighed 9lbs,9 oz - he might be a moose after all. Henry is also developing stronger neck muscles, and best of all, he's smiling! Check out the video (link below) to see for yourself (forgive us for including nearly two minutes of smiling Henry - we just can't get enough of him).


Anonymous said...

i love his smile!

Alyssa said...

I love it. You crack me up Ali! Lol.