A retriever after all

Monday, May 26, 2008

While in McConnelsville this weekend, Matt introduced Jaeger to retrieving in the water. With a little patience and a couple savory training dummies, Jaeger caught on quickly. Dove season opens September 1st, and this hunting dog will be ready!
We'll be sure to get some images of Jaeger retrieving next time we are in McC.

Hooper Family Shrimp Boil

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Day weekend means time for the Annual Hooper Family Shrimp Boil. Last night we met up at Scott and Michelle Hooper's for shrimp, beer, bonfire, family and good times in the country. It was Henry's Hooper-side debut, and he was the hit of the party. Can't wait for next year!

Henry staying cool in the sun

Matt's mom, Becky, feeding Henry

Henry with his proud parents

Aunt Mo with Henry

Clockwise from right: Matt's sister, Kelley; Kelley's fiance, Joe (holding Henry); Joe's mom, Karen; Matt's dad, Roger; Matt's mom, Becky

Aunt Kelley with Henry

Ali's parents, Steve and Sharon, with Henry

Henry fast asleep

Jake and Henry Updates

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Jake is progressing quite well. While still in the NICU (he might be there through the weekend), he is making great strides. Both Jared and Lisa were able to hold him today. He is a beautiful and sweet baby. Thank you all for your prayers.
As for our 'little' moose, Henry is now seven weeks old and porkin' up! We weighed him today at 11lbs,7oz. In addition to frequently smiling, he has now rolled over (front to back), and one evening he even slept through the night! We are eager to see baby Jake home so that the boys can begin a lifetime of shenanigans together.
Top two pictures - Jake; Bottom picture - Henry

Welcome Jake Ryan

For those of you who know my cousin, Jared, and his wife, Lisa...last night they gave birth to their son, Jake Ryan Wadsworth. He arrived 4 weeks early via VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). He weighed 5lbs,13oz and measured 19.5". He is currently in NICU because of some respiratory issues (the doctors are not too worried - Jake is doing really well). We are totally thrilled - we live less than a mile from the Wadsworths, and our boys are exactly seven weeks apart. It is going to be very special watching the boys grow up together.
Say a prayer for little Jake (and for his big sister, Ella - she is going to have some adjusting to do with the new baby around).

Cuddle Buds

Monday, May 19, 2008

We have reverted back to kenneling Jaeger in our absence (which has been a relief to our walls - see earlier post). While we have seen less and less home destruction, we are witnessing Jaeger show more and more affection for Henry. The two are turning into quite the cuddle buds!
Thanks for the great pics, Aunt Mo.

A very special Mother's Day

Sunday, May 11th was Mother's Day, and it could not have been more special. That evening, our church held child dedications, and Henry was dedicated in front of our congregation. Both Ali's family and Matt's family were in attendance, and it was truly a blessing to have everyone together for this wondrous occasion. We absolutely love our church (Vista Community Church), and we are so thankful knowing that Henry will be raised amongst an amazing church family.

Our Little Buckeye

Friday, May 9, 2008

Already bleeding scarlet and grey, Henry is precious in his Buckeye gear. He's sure to grow out of this outfit by football season, but thanks to our fellow Buckeye fans, he has plenty to grow into! As for the bow tie pictures, well, that was the outfit he sported when visiting Opa at ATI (Ali's dad works for Ohio State's ag college, ATI). For those of you who don't know Ali's dad, the bow tie is his signature piece.

Henry - one month old and counting!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

It is May 1st, and that means that Henry is one-month-old. It has been a joyous month, and Henry has kept us very busy. In addition to visiting Daddy at work, Oma at school, Aunt Mo at the Spa and Opa in Wooster, Henry has made two trips to Grandma and Grandpa's farm. Additionally, Henry and Mommy have spent the month shopping, visiting friends and family, dining out, taking walks and going to the zoo. So fun!
Henry has also been busy growing up. On Tuesday (April 29th), Henry weighed 9lbs,9 oz - he might be a moose after all. Henry is also developing stronger neck muscles, and best of all, he's smiling! Check out the video (link below) to see for yourself (forgive us for including nearly two minutes of smiling Henry - we just can't get enough of him).

Jaeger's adjusting.

Since Henry's arrival, many people have asked us how Jaeger is getting along with Henry. The answer to that is "great." Overall, Jaeger is off doing his dog thing leaving Henry alone to do his baby thing. And occasionally, Jaeger will snuggle up to Henry and settle in for a nap. Those moments are precious (and captured with Ali's cell phone - see below).
Now that being said, lately Jaeger has been showing a few signs of, well, jealousy. Fortunately Jaeger has not communicated this to us by mistreating Henry, rather Jaeger has made this quite clear by his attempt to destroy our house. Included are a few pictures of the evidence.